5 simple tips for feeding hummingbirds

5 simple tips for feeding hummingbirds Hummingbirds are constantly on the search for their next meal. Their small bodies have an incredibly high metabolism, so they need large amounts of food to sustain themselves. Any gardener or birdwatcher can attract hummingbirds to their yard by building an enticing feeding environment for them. These 5 tips … Read more

Are hummingbirds territorial?

Are hummingbirds territorial? The short answer is yes. These birds are beautifully colored, tiny in size, and a pleasure to watch as they travel between flowers searching for nectar. Hummingbirds are also highly territorial and will fiercely compete for resources with each other. The reason for this has to do with their migration patterns. Hummingbirds … Read more

How to attract hummingbirds: Proven strategies for attracting hummingbirds to your yard

How to attract hummingbirds: Proven strategies for attracting hummingbirds to your yard Hummingbirds are incredible animals that migrate thousands of miles across North America every year. They are tiny, brightly colored, and are wonderful to watch as they move around a garden feeding on nectar. You can attract hummingbirds to your yard with some careful … Read more

Hummingbird vines: The best way to attract hummingbirds

Planting hummingbird vines to attract hummingbirds Hummingbirds are attracted to large, brightly colored flowers with lots of nectar. Planting hummingbird vine can be one of the most effective ways to provide a tasty food source that will attract hummingbirds to your garden. Vines are fast-growing, hardy, and produce abundant flowers that are irresistible to hummingbirds. … Read more

Migratory hummingbirds in California

Migratory hummingbirds in California California attracts a wide range of migratory hummingbirds throughout the warmer seasons of the year. These tiny birds often travel great distances to reach California We wrote previously about the hummingbird species that live year-round in California. This post is about three migratory species that spend the warmer months of the … Read more

California hummingbirds

California hummingbirds There are many hummingbird species that call California home. The state’s warm weather, varied ecological regions, and abundance of natural spaces attract various hummingbirds over the course of the year. This blog post will discuss the three species of hummingbird that live in California year-round – Anna’s hummingbird, Allen’s hummingbird, and black-chinned hummingbirds. … Read more